• Question: What are your top tips to succeed in the science industry? (I am especially interested in medicine).

    Asked by Lucrezia to Craig, Flavia, Giuditta, Jack, Sheona on 7 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Jack Carlyle

      Jack Carlyle answered on 7 Nov 2015:

      Passion and enthusiasm are all you need to make it in science.

    • Photo: Flavia de Almeida Dias

      Flavia de Almeida Dias answered on 7 Nov 2015:

      Do what you love, love what you do, and never believe when someone tells you that you can’t succeed in something you really want. You can do whatever you put your mind to, with enough dedication and passion.

    • Photo: Giuditta Perversi

      Giuditta Perversi answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Medicine is not the field I am most familiar with, but science and research always follow the same basis:
      – be passionate and enthusiastic about what you do, let it be your choice and not someone else’s;
      – be stubborn and dedicated, because it might be challenging and with ups and downs;
      – try not to be too afraid of competition, it’s good to be aware of what you are capable of and what others are capable of, but it’s also good to fight what you want because it’s the only way to get it!
