• Question: if you were to persuade me into becoming a scientist what would you say? what are the benefits? What are the opportunities?

    Asked by Madi to Craig, Flavia, Giuditta, Jack, Sheona on 9 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Jack Carlyle

      Jack Carlyle answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      You can see the world (and beyond), meet some of the smartest (and often kindest) people in it, and learn incredibly profound things which can really change your life.

    • Photo: Giuditta Perversi

      Giuditta Perversi answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Science is made up of tons of fields, so if you choose to launch yourself into science you will surely find something that it’s just right for you, in which you are good and you enjoy.
      We live in a world that gets more and more scientific every year, by being a scientist you won’t only get an understanding of the world you live in, but you will also have a mean of influencing it by adding something to the technology itself.
      As such, you will always be useful, if you are dedicated and creative enough. Someone will need you expertise and your skills!
      The really nice thing is also that even though we work in fields that are REALLY specific and you can’t be an expert on everything nowadays, you will have skills that you can apply to other job if you ever want to move topic, or field or just place of work.
      I don’t think that are many jobs like this around! 😛
