• Question: What is your fav scientific thing that has happened in the past????

    Asked by dontyouwannaknow to Craig, Flavia, Giuditta, Jack, Sheona on 11 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Jack Carlyle

      Jack Carlyle answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      The invention of the internet, for sure! I was born before the internet was like it is today, so I really appreciate how it has revolutionised the world.

    • Photo: Giuditta Perversi

      Giuditta Perversi answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      Uhmmm, probably the scientific method itself?
      We wouldn’t be here in SOOO many ways if one day there wasn’t a general “ok guys, put down the random toys in the random plays and record what you are doing when you pick them up again, please”!
