• Question: What is the most expensive thing in the scientist world

    Asked by Jaime Edmonds 2015 to Craig, Flavia, Giuditta, Jack, Sheona on 17 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Giuditta Perversi

      Giuditta Perversi answered on 17 Nov 2015:

      Uhmmmm, probably the amount of electricity that you use every time you want to run the LHC?
      In general all big instruments (like the LHC, the ISIS neutron source, the Diamond synchrotron for X-rays) require an AWFUL lot of electricity to run and I don’t even start to phantom the numbers on their bills!

    • Photo: Flavia de Almeida Dias

      Flavia de Almeida Dias answered on 17 Nov 2015:

      Well, the LHC itself, with its accelerator and detectors, are the most expensive piece of equipment ever built by mankind!

      Forbes tells me that the total operating budget of the LHC runs to about $1 billion per year. The Large Hadron Collider was first turned on in August of 2008, then stopped for repairs in September until November 2009. Taking all of those costs into consideration, the total cost of finding the Higgs boson ran about $13.25 billion (those are US dollars – about 8.7 billion UK pounds). This cost was divided by CERN 22 member states and a couple dozen non member states contributing countries

      However, this is not all that much…
      The UK, alone, has spent approximately £4.5 billion ($6.8 billion) only with the war in Iraq. The USA alone spends $610.096 billion PER YEAR in war stipend. And it is estimated that the direct cost of the Iraq war by the USA was $1.1 trillion! All the money spent at CERN and at the LHC is not that much if you consider it was spent for the evolution of the mankind knowledge, not for exploring other people’s oil in middle east and for bringing them **freedom**
